Monkey Business at the Bar: A Life-Saving Grudge

A man walks into a bar with a monkey on his shoulder. The bartender says, "Hey, you can't bring that monkey in here!"

The man replies, "Oh, don't worry, he's a trained monkey. He's very well behaved."

The bartender reluctantly agrees to let them stay, and the man and the monkey sit down at the bar. The man orders a beer for himself and a banana for the monkey.

As they are sitting there enjoying their drinks, the man suddenly starts choking on his beer. The monkey jumps into action, climbing up the man's back and starts pounding him on the back with all his might. After a few seconds, the man coughs up the beer and gasps for air.

The bartender, amazed by what he just witnessed, asks the man, "Wow, that monkey really saved your life! How did you train him to do that?"

The man replies, "Oh, it's nothing really. He's just really good at holding a grudge. Last time I choked on a beer, he didn't help me at all."