Bar Joke: A Two-Tired Tale

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink. As he's sitting there sipping his drink, he notices a sign behind the bar that says, "Free drinks for a year to anyone who can make the bartender laugh."

The man thinks to himself, "I could use free drinks for a year, I'll give it a shot." He stands up and walks over to the bartender and says, "I have a joke for you."

The bartender nods and says, "Okay, let's hear it."

The man clears his throat and says, "Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?"

The bartender shrugs and says, "I don't know, why?"

The man grins and says, "Because it was two-tired!"

The bartender chuckles and says, "That's a good one! You've earned yourself free drinks for a year."

The man is overjoyed and starts drinking for free every night at the bar. But after a few weeks, he starts to notice that the bartender never laughs at any of his jokes. So one night, he asks the bartender why he never laughs.

The bartender leans in and whispers, "I have to pretend to laugh at your jokes to keep my job. But between you and me, they're all two-tired!"