A Joke a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: The Memory Loss Diagnosis

A man goes to a doctor and says, "Doc, I think I have a problem with my memory. I keep forgetting things!"

The doctor nods sympathetically and says, "Well, let's run some tests and see what we can find out."

After a series of memory tests, the doctor sits the man down and says, "I have a diagnosis for you. It appears that your memory loss is due to excessive stress and worry. You need to relax more and take things easy."

The man looks relieved and says, "Oh, thank goodness! I was worried it might be something serious."

The doctor chuckles and says, "Oh, don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing serious. Just try to take it easy and remember, laughter is the best medicine."

The man smiles and asks, "So, what's the best way to relax and relieve stress?"

The doctor grins mischievously and says, "Well, I always recommend a good joke. In fact, I have a hilarious one for you right now. Why did the tomato turn red?"

The man shrugs, "I don't know, why?"

"Because it saw the salad dressing!" The doctor bursts into laughter, while the man groans and says, "That's terrible!"

The doctor wipes away tears of laughter and says, "See? Laughter really is the best medicine. Now go out there and enjoy life, and don't forget to tell everyone that terrible joke I just told you!"