The Clever Monkey: A Barroom Comedy Act

A man walks into a bar with his pet monkey. The bartender is surprised and asks, "Why do you have a monkey with you?"

The man replies, "Well, this monkey is the smartest monkey in the world. He can do tricks and even talk!"

The bartender is intrigued and asks the man to prove it. The man nods to the monkey and says, "Show them what you can do, Bobby."

The monkey jumps onto the bar and starts juggling beer bottles, much to the amazement of everyone in the bar. The bartender is impressed and asks, "Can he really talk?"

The man nods and asks the monkey, "What's on top of a house?"

The monkey replies, "Roof!"

The bartender is astonished and asks, "What's a tree made of?"

The monkey replies, "Bark!"

The bartender is thoroughly impressed and decides to test the monkey one more time. He asks, "Who was the greatest baseball player of all time?"

The monkey thinks for a moment and then shouts, "Ruth! Ruth! Ruth!"

The bartender is ecstatic and tells the man, "I've never seen a monkey this smart! How did you train him to do all this?"

The man grins and says, "Well, before I got him, he used to work for the circus as a comedian. He knows a lot of jokes too!"

The bartender is even more intrigued and asks the man to tell him one of the monkey's jokes. The man nods and signals to the monkey, who stands on the bar and says, "Why did the monkey go to the doctor? Because he was feeling a little 'ape-y'!”

The bar erupts in laughter, and the bartender says, "That monkey is truly incredible! You must be so proud to have him."

The man smiles and says, "I am, but sometimes he's too smart for his own good. Just last week, he outsmarted me in a game of chess!"

The bartender is in awe of the monkey's intelligence and asks, "How did he manage to beat you at chess?"

The man chuckles and says, "Well, he used his 'monkey business' tactics on me – he kept hiding the pieces and distracting me with his banana jokes!"

And with that, the monkey and the man continue to entertain the bar with their tricks and jokes, leaving everyone amazed at the remarkable bond they share.