The Deserted Island Wish

Two men were stranded on a deserted island after their boat sank. They had been there for months, surviving on fish they caught and coconuts they found.

One day, a bottle washed up on shore with a note inside. The note read, "I'm a witch and I can grant you one wish each. However, if you tell anyone about this, you will be cursed."

The two men were ecstatic and immediately starting discussing what they would wish for. The first man said, "I wish to be rescued and taken back home to my family."

Poof! In an instant, he disappeared from the island and found himself back at his house with his loved ones.

The second man was amazed and couldn't believe his friend was gone. He thought about his wish carefully and said, "I wish for my friend to come back to the island so we can continue surviving together."

Poof! And just like that, the first man reappeared on the island, right next to his friend.

The first man was furious and yelled, "Why would you wish me back here? We could've been rescued and back home by now!"

The second man smiled and replied, "I know, but now we can tell everyone about the witch and her magic bottle. And with two wishes left, we can wish ourselves off the island again!"

And so, they lived happily ever after, telling their story to anyone who would listen and making jokes about their terrible decision-making skills.