The Man, The Horse, and the Challenge of Laughter

A man walks into a bar and orders a beer. As he's sipping on his drink, he notices a sign behind the bar that says, "Free drinks for anyone who can make the horse at the end of the bar laugh."

Intrigued, the man asks the bartender about the sign. The bartender explains that there's a horse sitting at the end of the bar who hasn't laughed in years, and anyone who can make him laugh gets free drinks for the night.

The man decides to give it a shot and walks over to the horse. He whispers something in the horse's ear and the horse starts chuckling. The man returns to the bartender and claims his free drinks.

Curious about what the man said to make the horse laugh, the bartender asks him. The man replies, "I told him I have a bigger dick than him."

The bartender laughs and pours the man another beer. The man continues to strike up a conversation with the horse, making him laugh harder and harder. Soon, the horse is practically rolling on the floor with laughter.

The bartender, amazed by the man's ability to make the horse laugh, asks him how he did it. The man responds, "I told him I'm a better kisser than him."

The bartender laughs even harder and pours the man another round of drinks. The man and the horse continue to have a great time, with the man telling joke after joke that leaves the horse in stitches.

As the night goes on, the man gets more and more drunk and eventually passes out on the floor. The bartender shakes his head and looks at the horse, who is still laughing uncontrollably.

The bartender leans in close to the horse and asks, "What did he say this time?"

The horse looks up with tears of laughter in his eyes and says, "He said he's going to show me his bigger dick and better kissing skills tomorrow!"

The bartender bursts out laughing and gives the horse a pat on the back. "Looks like you won this round, buddy," he says with a smile.