The Bear and the Bookworm: A Hole-y Adventure

Two men are walking through the forest when they stumble upon a deep hole in the ground.

Curious, they walk closer to the hole and peer inside. To their surprise, they see an old man sitting at the bottom of the hole, reading a book.

One of the men calls down to the old man, "Hey, what are you doing down there?"

The old man looks up and replies, "I'm reading a book about famous escapes."

The men are intrigued by this and ask the old man how he ended up in the hole.

The old man laughs and says, "Well, I was walking through the forest and I stumbled upon this hole. As I peered inside, a bear came out of nowhere and pushed me in!"

The men are shocked and ask, "Well, how are you going to escape?"

The old man shrugs and says, "Oh, I'm not worried. The bear said he's going to come back and help me out after he finishes his lunch!"