The Saga of the Sunburnt Tourist and the Cheeky Parrot

One day, a man decided to go on a vacation to a tropical island. Excited for some relaxation and sunshine, he packed his bags and hopped on a plane.

When he arrived at the island, he checked into his hotel and headed straight for the beach. As he was lounging in the sun, he noticed a parrot perched on a nearby tree.

The parrot looked at him and squawked, "Hey, you there with the bad sunburn! You need some aloe vera for that crispy skin!"

The man was shocked. He had indeed forgotten to put on sunscreen and was now sporting a bright red sunburn. He decided to ignore the parrot and enjoy his vacation.

But the parrot wouldn't let up. Every time the man stepped outside, the parrot would call out, "Hey, lobster boy! Need some more sunscreen?"

Finally, fed up with the parrot's constant teasing, the man went to the hotel concierge and asked for help. The concierge told him that the parrot belonged to a local shop owner and was known for its cheeky remarks.

Determined to put an end to the parrot's teasing, the man went to the shop and bought a giant tub of aloe vera. He returned to the beach and smeared it all over his sunburn, making sure to show off to the parrot.

But instead of teasing him, the parrot looked at him and said, "Wow, you really went all out with that aloe vera! Too bad it's for external use only!"

The man couldn't help but laugh at the parrot's clever response. From then on, every time he saw the parrot, he would smile and thank it for keeping him entertained during his vacation. And the parrot, sensing the man's good humor, would squawk back with a witty remark, making their interactions a highlight of the man's trip.