The Gorilla Whisperer: A Wild Safari Adventure

A man decided to go on a safari in Africa and hired a local guide to show him around. They set off on foot through the thick jungle, with the guide leading the way.

After walking for a few hours, the man started to feel the effects of the hot sun and asked the guide if they could take a break. The guide agreed and led them to a clearing where they could rest.

As they sat down to catch their breath, the man noticed a large gorilla heading towards them. Panicking, he asked the guide what they should do.

The guide calmly replied, "Don't worry, I know how to handle gorillas. Just follow my lead."

The man watched in amazement as the guide stood up, stared the gorilla in the eye, and beat his chest. The gorilla stopped in its tracks and started beating its own chest in response.

The man was impressed by the guide's bravery and asked, "Wow, how did you know how to do that?"

The guide winked and replied, "Oh, it's easy. I used to be a gorilla in my past life."

The man couldn't believe what he was hearing and asked, "You used to be a gorilla? How is that possible?"

The guide chuckled and said, "Well, it's a long story. But let me tell you, being a tour guide pays a lot better than being a gorilla in the jungle!"