The Three Wishes on the Deserted Island

Three friends, Jack, Bob, and Bill, were stranded on a deserted island. They had been there for weeks and were starting to lose hope of ever being rescued.

One day, Jack stumbled upon a magical lamp buried in the sand. Excitedly, he picked it up and rubbed it, hoping that a genie would appear and grant them three wishes to help them escape the island.

Sure enough, a genie appeared in a puff of smoke and granted them each one wish. Jack went first and wished to be rescued and taken back to civilization. In an instant, he vanished from the island.

Bob was next and wished to be reunited with his family and friends. Again, the genie granted his wish, and he disappeared as well.

Finally, it was Bill's turn. The genie asked him what his wish was, and Bill thought long and hard before saying, "I wish Jack and Bob were back here with me."

The genie chuckled and said, "I'm afraid I can't do that. They already used their wishes to leave the island. But I can grant you one more wish."

Bill thought for a moment and then said, "Okay, I wish for a giant tidal wave to come and wash away this stupid island so I can go home."

The genie nodded and said, "Your wish is my command." And with a snap of his fingers, a massive tidal wave appeared and washed the island away.

As Bill stood there on the now submerged sand, he turned to the genie and said, "Okay, now how do I get home?"

The genie replied, "Sorry, that was your wish. Looks like you're stuck here forever."

And with that, the genie disappeared, leaving Bill all alone in the middle of the ocean, wishing he had wished for a boat instead.