The Horse Laugh Challenge

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink. As he is sitting there enjoying his drink, he notices a sign behind the bar that reads, "If you can make the horse laugh, you get a free drink."

Intrigued, the man asks the bartender about the sign. The bartender explains that no one has been able to make the horse laugh yet, and the challenge has been up for months.

Determined to win a free drink, the man asks the bartender to take him to the horse. The bartender leads him to a small room in the back of the bar where there is a large horse standing there.

The man looks at the horse and tries everything he can think of to make it laugh. He tells jokes, he dances, he even tries making funny faces, but the horse just stands there staring at him.

Frustrated, the man turns to the bartender and says, "I give up. How in the world am I supposed to make this horse laugh?"

The bartender shrugs and says, "Well, nobody else has been able to do it, but maybe if you tickle him, it might work."

So the man decides to give it a try and starts tickling the horse. To his surprise, the horse starts laughing uncontrollably! The man can't believe it and turns to the bartender, who is just as shocked.

The bartender hands the man his free drink and says, "I can't believe it. You actually did it! You made the horse laugh. How did you do it?"

The man replies with a grin, "It was easy. I just whispered in his ear that my ex-girlfriend was coming to visit next week."