The Monkey Business Bar Tale

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink. As he's sitting there sipping on his drink, a monkey suddenly jumps onto the bar and starts performing tricks. The man is amazed and asks the bartender how the monkey got there.

The bartender explains that the monkey belongs to the bar's owner and is trained to entertain the customers. The man is so impressed that he asks the bartender how much it would cost to buy the monkey. The bartender tells him it will cost $500.

The man thinks for a moment and then decides to buy the monkey. He pays the bartender, takes the monkey, and leaves the bar.

A week later, the man returns to the bar with the monkey in tow. The bartender is surprised to see him and asks how things are going with the monkey. The man replies, "Well, not so great. He hasn't learned any new tricks and he's been eating all my food."

The bartender sympathizes with him and offers to buy the monkey back for $300. The man agrees and sells the monkey to the bartender.

As he's leaving the bar, the man turns to the bartender and says, "You know, I think I should have kept the monkey. He was a better bartender than you!"