The Talking Dog's Priceless Offer

A man is driving down a country road when he sees a sign that says, "Talking Dog for Sale." Intrigued, he pulls into the driveway and knocks on the door. An old farmer answers and explains that the talking dog is out back in the barn.

The man walks out to the barn and sure enough, there's a dog sitting on a bale of hay. "So, I hear you can talk," the man says skeptically.

The dog nods and says, "Yep, I sure can. I've got a pretty impressive vocabulary."

The man is amazed and asks, "Well, what's your story?"

The dog explains, "I discovered my ability to talk when I was just a pup. I found I could communicate with the other animals on the farm and even with the humans. It was pretty cool at first, but then I became a bit of a celebrity and it got to be too much. So, I decided to sell myself to the highest bidder and live out my days in peace and quiet."

The man is impressed and asks, "So, what's your asking price?"

The dog thinks for a moment and says, "Well, how about $100,000?"

The man is taken aback and replies, "That's a lot of money for a talking dog. Why so much?"

The dog winks and says, "Well, because I can also read minds and I know you've got $100,000 in your pocket right now."

The man laughs and says, "Nice try, but I'm not falling for that. But I'll give you $50,000 for the entertainment value."

The dog considers the offer and then shakes his head. "Sorry, no deal. I'm worth more than that. But hey, thanks for the laugh!"