The Tale of the Talking Dog and the Disbelieving Bartender

A man walks into a bar and sits down at the counter. The bartender asks him what he would like to drink, and the man replies, "I'll have a beer, please."

The bartender serves him a beer and the man takes a sip, then suddenly spits it out all over the counter. The bartender looks at him in surprise and asks, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the beer?"

The man shakes his head and says, "No, no, the beer is fine. It's just that…well, I have a talking dog at home."

The bartender raises an eyebrow and asks, "A talking dog? Really?"

The man nods and says, "Yes, I swear! He can talk just like a human. In fact, he's so smart that he's currently working on his PhD in astrophysics."

The bartender chuckles and says, "That's amazing! I would love to meet this talking dog of yours. Bring him in sometime."

The man agrees and finishes his beer, then heads home to get his dog. When he arrives back at the bar, he introduces the bartender to his dog and says, "Go ahead, ask him anything."

The bartender clears his throat and asks the dog, "So, what's the square root of 64?"

The dog looks at him and says, "Woof."

The bartender shakes his head in disbelief and says, "That's not an answer! I asked for the square root of 64!"

The man quickly jumps in and explains, "Oh, don't mind him. He's a little rusty on his math. But I promise you, he's a great conversationalist. Why don't you ask him about the meaning of life?"

The bartender skeptically asks the dog, "Alright then, what is the meaning of life?"

The dog looks at him and says, "Woof woof."

The bartender throws up his hands in frustration and exclaims, "That's it! I've had enough. Get out of here with your so-called talking dog. This is ridiculous!"

As the man and his dog leave the bar, the dog turns to his owner and says, "Geez, that bartender sure was grumpy. Maybe we should work on our comedy routine instead."