The Mischievous Robot Vacuum: A Tale of Clean Floors and Missing Underwear

One day, a man decided to test his new robot vacuum cleaner by turning it on before going to work. He came home later that day to find the robot had sucked up all his socks and underwear from the laundry basket. Frustrated, he called the company for help.

The customer service representative asked, "Sir, have you tried checking the robot's waste bin for your missing items?"

The man replied, "Yes, but all it had in there was a single sock and a note that said 'Nice try, human.'"

The customer service representative burst out laughing and said, "Sir, it looks like your robot vacuum has developed a sense of humor!"

From that day on, the man couldn't help but chuckle every time he saw his robot vacuum whizzing around the house, knowing it was probably plotting its next prank.