The Refrigerator Wife: A Cold and Comical Journey to Sanity

A man goes to see a psychiatrist and says, "Doctor, my wife is driving me crazy. She thinks she's a refrigerator!"

The psychiatrist asks, "How long has she been like this?"

The man replies, "About three weeks now. Every night she sleeps with her mouth open, and the light inside keeps me awake. Plus, every time I try to put food in her mouth, she shuts it tight and says she's on a diet!"

The psychiatrist chuckles and says, "Well, it sounds like she's got some issues. Have you tried talking to her about it?"

The man sighs and says, "I've tried everything. I even unplugged her once, but she just got cold and started shivering. I don't know what to do anymore!"

The psychiatrist thinks for a moment and then says, "I think I have a solution. Bring her in for a session, and I'll see if I can help her with her delusions."

The man nods gratefully and says, "Thank you, Doctor. I just hope you can fix her before she starts thinking she's a toaster!"