The Curious Case of Selective Memory Loss Syndrome

A man goes to the doctor and says, "Doc, I think I'm losing my memory. I keep forgetting things left and right."

The doctor nods sympathetically and says, "Well, let's run some tests and see what's going on."

After a thorough examination, the doctor calls the man back into his office and delivers the news. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have a rare condition called 'Selective Memory Loss Syndrome.' It means that you only remember the things you want to remember."

The man looks puzzled and asks, "So, what does that mean for me?"

The doctor replies, "It means that you have a very unique and specific memory. For example, you might forget to pay your bills, but you'll always remember the lyrics to the '80s sitcom Cheers theme song."

The man thinks about it for a moment and says, "Well, I guess that's not so bad. At least I'll always have something to sing at karaoke night."

The doctor laughs and says, "Exactly! Just remember, when life gives you lemons, make a memory out of it – just make sure it's one worth remembering!"