The Grocery Store Parrot

There once was a man who had a talking parrot. He loved his parrot so much that he decided to take it everywhere with him, even to the grocery store.

One day, as the man was browsing the aisles at the store, the parrot suddenly exclaimed, "Hey, where are the nuts? I want some nuts!"

The man was embarrassed by the outburst, but he calmly explained to the parrot that they were at the grocery store and not at a place where they could buy nuts.

A few moments later, the parrot shouted again, "Hey, where are the chips? I want some chips!"

The man was feeling even more mortified now, but he tried to reason with the parrot, telling him that they were at a grocery store, not a snack shop.

Finally, as they were about to check out, the parrot screeched, "Hey, where are the beers? I want some beers!"

The man had enough and yelled back at the parrot, "I told you, we are at the grocery store, not a bar! Just be quiet and let me finish shopping!"

Suddenly, a store employee came up to the man and said, "Sir, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with the parrot. I think I can help you. Follow me to the pet section."

Confused, the man followed the employee and was taken to the section with bird cages. The employee pointed to a cage filled with birds and said, "We have a brand new bird in stock that can talk just like your parrot, but without the inappropriate language. Would you like to buy it?"

The man thought about it for a moment and then replied, "No thanks. I think I'll keep my parrot. At least he tells it like it is, even if it's embarrassing."

And with that, the man and his parrot left the store, still bickering back and forth about nuts, chips, and beers.