Debating the Oldest Profession: A Doctor, an Engineer, and a Politician Walk into a Bar

Three friends – a doctor, an engineer, and a politician – are having a heated debate about which profession is the oldest.

The doctor confidently says, "Well, it's obviously medicine! The first surgery was performed on Adam when God took out a rib to create Eve."

The engineer shakes his head and argues, "No way! Engineering is older. Just think about it – the universe was created out of chaos, so there must have been some serious engineering going on to make it all work!"

The politician, not one to be left out, smirks and says, "Actually, you're both wrong. Politics is the oldest profession in the world."

The doctor and engineer are both taken aback and ask in unison, "How can you say that?"

The politician smugly replies, "Well, think about it – who else but a politician could create chaos out of nothing, convince everyone it's necessary, and then convince everyone that they're the only one who can fix it?"

The doctor and engineer can't argue with that logic and begrudgingly admit that the politician may have a point. As they continue to argue and joke with each other, they all agree that no matter which profession is the oldest, they all contribute something important to society – even if it's just a good laugh.