The Train-Obsessed Conductor

So there was this man who had a really weird obsession with trains. He loved everything about them – the sound of the whistle, the chugging of the engine, the feeling of the vibrations as it passed by. He even had a collection of model trains that took up an entire room in his house.

One day, he decided to take his obsession a step further and actually become a train conductor. He enrolled in conductor school and after months of training, he finally got his dream job.

On his first day as a train conductor, he was so excited that he couldn't stop talking about trains to all the passengers. He told them all about the different types of trains, the history of train travel, and even some fun train trivia.

But the passengers were getting annoyed with the man's constant chatter about trains. Finally, one woman stood up and shouted, "If you don't stop talking about trains, I'm going to jump off this train!"

The man was taken aback, but he quickly replied, "Well, ma'am, I can't let you do that. You'll have to wait until the next stop because I have to announce it over the intercom first."