The Gorilla Comedian Challenge: A Hilarious Bar Bet

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that says, "Free drinks for a year to anyone who can pass our challenge." Intrigued, the man asks the bartender about the challenge.

The bartender explains, "You see that gorilla over there? He's our resident comedian. If you can make him laugh, you'll get free drinks for a year. But be warned, no one has been able to do it yet."

Determined to win the challenge, the man walks over to the gorilla and whispers a joke in his ear. The gorilla bursts out laughing, falling off his stool and rolling on the floor in hysterics.

The bartender is amazed and asks the man, "Wow, how did you do that? What was the joke?"

The man simply replies, "I told him I was going to show him a picture of the bartender's face."

The bartender laughs and hands the man a certificate for free drinks for a year. As the man walks out of the bar, he hears the gorilla say to the bartender, "Do you think he knows it's a picture of his own face?"