Show Tunes: The Musical Cure

A man went to the doctor because he was feeling really sick. The doctor ran some tests and then sat the man down to deliver the news.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have a very rare and serious disease," the doctor said somberly.

The man's eyes widened in fear, "What kind of disease? Is it a life-threatening one?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes, I'm afraid it is. You have a disease that causes you to spontaneously break out into song and dance at random moments."

The man looked puzzled, "Wait, so you're saying I have…show tunes disease?"

The doctor chuckled, "That's one way to put it. But yes, you have show tunes disease. I'm sorry, but the prognosis isn't good. The only cure is to perform in a musical on Broadway."

The man thought for a moment and then grinned, "Well, doctor, I always did want to be a star! Looks like I'll be dancing and singing my way to health! Thank you for the diagnosis!"

And with that, the man left the doctor's office, humming a tune and twirling down the street, ready to embrace his new life as a Broadway sensation.