The Magical Talking Giraffe

A man walks into a bar with a tiny giraffe on a leash. The bartender looks at him in surprise and says, "Hey, you can't bring that in here!"

The man replies, "Oh, don't worry, he's not a problem. In fact, he's a talking giraffe!"

The bartender gives him a skeptical look but decides to play along. "Alright, let's hear it then."

The man turns to the giraffe and says, "Hey, tell the bartender what you are."

The giraffe looks up and says, "I'm a giraffe."

The bartender bursts out laughing and says, "That's incredible! I've never seen a talking giraffe before. How did you end up with him?"

The man shrugs and says, "Well, I was walking through the jungle one day when I stumbled upon a magical lamp. I rubbed it and out came a genie who granted me one wish. I wished for a talking giraffe!"

The bartender is amazed and asks, "That's amazing! What else can he do?"

The man smirks and says, "Well, he's also a great dancer. Give him some music and watch him go!"

The bartender puts on some music and the giraffe starts dancing around the bar, much to the delight of the patrons. The man smiles proudly as he watches the giraffe boogie down.

Just then, a drunk guy at the bar turns to the man and says, "Hey buddy, I'll give you $100 for that talking giraffe."

The man thinks for a moment and then agrees, handing over the leash to the drunk guy. The drunk guy staggers out of the bar with the giraffe in tow.

The bartender shakes his head in confusion and says, "Why on earth would you sell such a rare and amazing creature for just $100?"

The man chuckles and says, "Oh, the talking part was just a lie. He can't talk at all."

The bartender is dumbfounded as he watches the drunk guy stumble down the street with the giraffe. Finally, he turns to the man and asks, "Well then, why did you tell me he could talk?"

The man shrugs and says, "Hey, it got him dancing, didn't it?"