The Man, the Horse, and the Bartender: A Tale of Laughter and Tears

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that says, "Free drinks for a year to anyone who can make my horse laugh." The man thinks this is a strange challenge but decides to give it a try.

He walks over to the horse, whispers something in its ear and the horse starts laughing uncontrollably. The bartender is amazed and sticks to his word, giving the man free drinks for a year.

A year later, the man returns to the bar with the horse, but this time the sign says, "Free drinks for a year to anyone who can make my horse cry."

The man looks at the horse, whispers something in its ear, and the horse immediately starts weeping. The bartender is in shock and once again gives the man free drinks for another year.

As the man is leaving the bar, the bartender can't contain his curiosity and asks him how he was able to make the horse laugh and cry.

The man replies, "Well, the first time, I told the horse that my paycheck was bigger than his. The second time, I showed him the proof."