The Piano-Playing Monkey

A man walks into a bar with a monkey on his shoulder. The bartender says, "Hey, you can't bring that monkey in here!"

The man replies, "Don't worry, he's a trained monkey. Watch this." And he sets the monkey down on the bar.

The monkey immediately starts running around, jumping on tables, and knocking over drinks. The bartender is furious and yells at the man to control his monkey.

The man says, "Don't worry, he just needs a drink to calm down." So the bartender pours a beer for the monkey, who chugs it down and starts acting even crazier.

The bartender is about to kick them out when the monkey suddenly jumps on the piano and starts playing a beautiful song. The bartender is amazed and asks the man where he found such a talented monkey.

The man replies, "Well, I was walking on the beach one day and I found a lamp. I rubbed it and a genie popped out and granted me one wish. So I wished for a monkey that could play the piano."

The bartender is incredulous and asks, "You mean to tell me you wasted a wish on a piano-playing monkey?"

The man shrugs and says, "Well, he's not just a piano-playing monkey. He's also a great storyteller."

And with that, the monkey takes a bow, sits down at the bar, and starts telling jokes to the entire bar. The bartender and customers are laughing hysterically, and the man just sits back and enjoys the show, thinking to himself, "Best wish I ever made."